Yongxin won the top ten excellent trade union organizations

On the occasion of the May 1st International Labor Day this year, the Kunshan City Zhoushi Town Federation of Trade Unions organized the “May 1st” commendation ceremony for the labor creation and happiness celebration. Advanced individuals and advanced organizations were selected in the grassroots trade unions and honorary certificates were issued. The trade unions of our company stood out among the major enterprises and won the honorary title of “Top Ten Excellent Trade Union Organizations”. Trade Union Chairman Shao Jiankang attended the party on behalf of the company and took the stage to receive the award.

(Photo: White Victory) The company's trade union organization fully plays its role, actively organizes various activities, cares for employees, pays attention to vulnerable groups, and considers first-line production personnel. Do practical things for employees and solve problems for employees. Caring for female employees and insisting on the physical examination of female employees. Listening to the voices of employees, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of employees, building a harmonious labor relationship and other series of trade union work, for the benefit of employees. Recently, the trade union also held a table tennis competition. Everyone signed up for the competition. There are 11 employees in this competition, 8 men and 5 women. The competition method uses a male and female group round robin. After fierce competition, the final result of the competition is: men's team: Wang Hu first, Wang Quansheng second, Zhu Xueming third; women group: Wen Zhifang first, Zhou Rainbow second, Wang Limin third . After the competition, the company also awarded the prizes and souvenirs to the employees participating in the competition, commending and encouraging employees to actively participate in the event. An excellent trade union organization is not only the strong backing of the company, but also a strong reliance of the company's employees. I hope that the trade union organization will continue to work harder and better.