The future is made of Saint-Gobain Glass

Be it energy efficiency, acoustics, safety/security, self-cleaning or solar control, Saint-Gobain Glass has an extensive range of high performance, quality products developed specifically for the ever-changing needs of our markets.SageGlass products dynamically change tint in response to the sun to provide unobstructed outdoor views and enhanced occupant comfort. The products provide exceptional control of daylight, glare and energy use without the need for traditional solutions, like blinds, shades or low-e glass. As versatile and powerful as SageGlass is, it easily integrates into virtually any brand of window, skylight or curtain wall framing system.


Saint-Gobain Glass, especially electrochromic glass improves productivity and job satisfaction by enhancing comfort, and helps your bottom line by cutting energy costs. Better Work Environments Make Employees More Productive
A workspace that offers unobstructed views and dynamically tintable windows isn’t just a luxury, it’s an environment where business can thrive. Putting a focus on architecture is a smart investment—studies have shown that when buildings are isolated from nature, employee absences go up. But when employees are comfortable and enjoy views of the outdoors without glare or excess heat, they see improvements in focus, mood and overall health. SageGlass opens up an office space, encouraging collaboration and inspiring creativity. Because when every space feels like a corner office, employees feel truly connected to the success of the business.

Market Application



SAGE南向的大會室具有著一兩個理想型的生活環境,在這些里就不錯展現出SageGlass劃分的獨一無二優勢。按照太陽系在蒼穹中的地點,差異排的窗玻璃鋼就不錯調色或變白來阻隔眩光,一同又確定有很足的日曬。在有視覺使用需求的之前,每排窗玻璃鋼都將一同調色。在陰天或旱上時,門窗定制就不錯開始使水變以得到 最常日曬。
河邊的餐飲十分所需抑制眩光,正因為熱天會水底反光貼條條,冷天會雪原反光貼條條。投其所好高層住宅、次生活購買者的餐飲所需使需求從建造內的有幾個角度來都一 個穩定的視覺空間,那么就不可施用空間內羅馬簾還有遮光主設備。進行安裝SageGlass后能抑制眩光和熱,同時又能讓旅客賞悅河邊美麗的景色。

Product Brand

Saint-Gobain Glass